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A Letter From Our Founder
Randy Barbour

Welcome, my friends, to the SCHOOL OF HTML. If this is your first visit, please take the time to look around the school and see all we have to offer. We have several different classrooms, each with a different subject related to HTML and an instructor for each course. There are tutorials, help sites, and (for the WebTV users) HTML testers in many of our rooms.

In making this website, my wish was to have interactive real-time assistance for new people to the world of HTML. So far, it has been a very successful website - hundreds, if not thousands, have been helped.

At least once a week, we schedule an HTML EXTRAVAGANZA which is basically an open forum where most of the instructors are available in the main room to answer any questions you may have. Everyday, usually between 6PM and 9PM (central time), the main room is used for MEET AND GREET - this is a time to make friends with people who have the same interests and the floor is open to HTML questions as well.

I hope you enjoy your visit with us and come in often.

Your friend,


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