Learn HTML in a chatroom that provides FREE online Tutoring or just view the HTML tutorials Teachers 
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Our Origin

The School of HTML was founded and created by Randy Barbour in September of 1999. Our purpose is to give students one-on-one instant help in many areas such as basic and advanced html, tables, webpage design, image manipulation, transloading, e-mail sig design and WebTV PageBuilder. This is all done in the basic structure of internet chatrooms we call "classrooms." Our objective is to help you find the answers you seek, either by direct instruction or by leading you to a source of information. Our hope for the school is for it to continually grow - and to bring our students the best help available.

The School of HTML Board

School of HTML 
chat rules

1. NO nic changes in the classrooms/main room during class time or Extravaganza.

2. Use of a known hacker's nic (or some form of it) whether in play or to disrupt can result in banning.

3. NO chit chat during class.

4. NO horseplay

5. Only on topic subjects...you will be removed from class if you cause a disturbance.

6. Main room may be used for off topic subjects except during extravaganza.

7. NO hacking instruction allowed.

8. NO hacking talk. Period.

9. NO changing of a nick to a known SoH Instructor, associate or student.

10. No abusive behavior will be tolerated to an instructor or student. Abusive behavior will cause you to be removed from the room.

ZUH Rules and TOS

1. NO advertising/spamming in other channels.

2. Harassment of any kind not allowed on any Zuh channel.

3. No flooding.

4. Don't beg for Ops in a channel.

5. Trading of kiddie porn & Warez are illegal.

6. Use of warscripts or takeover of channels is not permitted.

Remember at all times, this is a school.  All legit questions have priority over "chatting."

Home Subscribe WebTV Entrance PC Entrance

HTML Help Sites

Draac | WarpSpeedHelp | JBarta
The HTML Place | HTML Goodies | Intro to HTML
Writing HTML | MyHelpDesk.com:The Computer Help Portal
HTML Writers Guild | XpertSite.com Building Web Pages
How Do They Do That With HTML | Lissa's HTML Help for Kids
Harvillo's Finest HTML Help

Image Tools

ImageMajik | GifWorks | Gifoptimizer | MediaBuilder
DesignMaker:Background Colors
About.com:Guide to Online Imaging Tools

Text Making Tools

3DTextMaker | FlamingText | CoolText
TOM:The Text-Only Maker
Kodak Picture Maker...Add Text

Banner Tools

Banner Ad Creation | Banner Creator

WebPage Tools

Webmaster Website Tools | The Home Page Maker
About.com - Focus on JavaScript
FreeCode - Free Programming Source Guide
internet .com web reference

Graphics Sites

Lady Oh's Favorite GIFs and JPGs
Patrick's Free Graphics 4 Webbers
Anne's Place Gifs & Backgrounds
Jill's Cyberdelic Heaven
Beach House Directory
Miss Pita's Domain
Melissa's Free Animated Gifs
Patriotic Gifs
Cindy's Gifs and Animations for WebTV
The Cottage
Nevr2l8's Bars, Lines, Divider Gifs
Great Backs
T*O*T*A*L*L*Y Linkable
Fila Morgan Gif Collection
The Pixel Foundry


StarBoul evard Transloader
Transloader. Com
WebTV Scrapbook Uploader
FilaMorgan File Transfer System

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